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Brilliant Apps for Budding Ideas
Mobile Solutions for Startups

Building a mobile app is a great thing for startups. The startup idea originator can actually test how their idea works by building a startup mobile app. The mobile solutions for startups and individual entrepreneurs from our service spectrum are based on customization to suit your startup business needs. We are a startup app development company that converts your business idea into a winning app. We discard all the unnecessary interruptions that make your new business look clutter and incorporate things, which can make your business look smart in delivering desired services. We can engage your targeted customers by giving them the value of what your business idea was built on while generating more engagements.

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Mobile Mokeup
Own the Feature-Rich Interface

Raise your Startup Idea to a Star Enterprise

Our mobile app development for startups adds mileage to your geared up business' purpose. Whether a low-budget idea or a billion-dollar idea, we are enthusiastic about transforming your shapeless idea into a magnetic indulgence that manages the trade operations orderly and gives out the maximum advantage to every user. We have an expert business associate who will understand your business idea, explain the app features to you and do tests based on the market viability and feasibility of your under-developed business app.

We do prototype app development, wireframe designing, SRS documentation and UX Design and Development. Wireframe designing, optimizes information hierarchy of your design and allows you to visualize the layout of your digital product and how your user will process the information on the app.

What Top 200 startups help do?

The risk is in not doing something that feels risky. Andy Dunn - Bonobos
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Is my app idea safe with you?

Absolutely. We have a strict policy against any kind of data breaches and we would be happy to sign an NDA with you before you discuss your idea for a business app with our associates.

Why should I choose 360 Degree Technosoft?

Because we listen more than we talk. We’ll not do any aggressive selling of an off-the-shelf branded app; we’ll customize it for you, based on your specific required. We are experienced in building the mobile app for startup. We deliver on time, and knowing how cost-sensitive a small entrepreneur is, we will deliver within the estimated budget. Finally, we will help you market that app and recover its cost – thus providing you with an end-to-end service on app development and deployment.

How much does an app cost?

It varies and depends on several factors – functionality, the number of features chosen, design elements, to cite just a few. So study the market before you select your vendor, bearing in mind of course that cheap is not always the best.

Do you outsource your development work?

Nope. App development is our core competency. We’ll not dilute the quality and functionality of your app by outsourcing the work to a third party vendor.

If I contact you, what are the next steps?

We’ll take a complete download from you, understand your needs, requirements and expectations from the app; where do you want to use it; do you want it to be a web or a mobile app; whether you want it to be a paid or a free app; what features do you want to incorporate etc. Once we have completely understood your requirements we will undertake feasibility studies, propose, brainstorm and tweak design features and app functionality with you, prototype (for a small fee), and then design and deploy it.

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Mobile Apps Developed Still Counting
Web Apps Developed Still Counting
Satisfied Clients Still Counting
Countries We Serve In Still Counting

Let’s discuss your app idea

Connect, Consult, and Create an Amazing App With Us

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